GIDAR Blog is a collection of articles to help to put GIDAR in practice for a business, analytics or strategy functions or simply, a project.

Image of analysis charts in a laptop

The (first) A in GIDAR Analytics: Analysis

Data analysis refers to the identification of patterns in data to extract conclusions and insights. Data analysis is usually the role of a data analyst […]

Image of A GIDAR data schema

The D in GIDAR Analytics: Data

After defining clear Goals and collecting as much information as possible (clarifying key questions), you will have a good idea of the data that you […]

two women talk at work about information

The I in GIDAR Analytics: (Business) Information

For GIDAR, business information refers to context, known facts, know-how and experience from stakeholders, and subject matter experts

Man with a target and a dart

The G in GIDAR Analytics: Business Goals

Business Goals are intrinsic to any business, even if we do not explicitly declare them, there are always goals behind any activity. A known problem in Business is, however, the inability to articulate Goals properly.