As in any project, and particularly in large companies there will be a considerable number of people involved in a mission. Below you can find a suggested timeline of events linked to the steps in the GIDAR analytics framework.

Request / Idea / Business Case / Inquiry
You or your managers have an idea and are wondering how to put it in motion using Information and Data.
Goal Meeting/Workshop
This is generally done with the project or goal sponsor. They need to be present and by the end of the session you should have your 2 o 3 goals very well defined.
Stakeholders / Subject Matter experts Interviews
Extract all the information that you can from the people that knows
Data Gap Analysis
What data do you need to complete the analysis and answer the key Questions?
Who will get which data? In many companies data tend to be scattered and is owned by several parties. Define who is Responsible, Accountable, Consultant and Informed in the Data Collection.
Analysis Showcase
Present to sponsors and stakeholders your findings. Make clear that this is not the end of the work.
Actions Brainstorm
Put together all people involved and do not leave the room/call until at least one clear action is decided.
Result Circulation
After taking actions present the changes as defined in the Goal Time bound.